Our Clinical Health Recovery Program (CHRP) is a clinically tested, intensive lifestyle medicine intervention program. As an essential and integral part of lifestyle medicine practice, CHRP utilizes Naturezymes, a comprehensive product line of complex activated fermentation enzymes to facilitate autophagy, autolysis, cell replication, repair and rejuvenation. Naturezymes complex activated fermentation enzymes facilitate a healthy gut microbiome environment for optimal health.
Founded in South Korea in 1971, CHRP has transformed over tens of thousands of lives to recover their health from debilitating chronic diseases with dramatic results. CHRP incorporates established lifestyle medicine strategies and clinical support to promote and sustain fundamental changes in lifestyle behavior.
A well-structured CHRP protocol measures and monitors biometric and health parameters, to support health outcomes and motivate participants to achieve lifestyle goals. Significant measurable clinical changes can be visible in the initial phase of 25 days protocol.
Our Leadership
“We love our neighbors as ourselves”
"Committed to your health."
Trust, Growth, Sharing, Being Thankful.