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Become a Member

For Membership

Please complete the application form. After the application is submitted, please mark the box that indicates which type of membership you’d like to join

Doctors Membership

This membership provides access to the whole CHRP program and all personal health products. This is for those who are hospital, clinic, and/or Eastern medicine health care professionals.

Pharmacist Membership

This Membership provides access to personal health products only. It is for those who are Pharmacists or Pharmacy owners. Personal Health Products include DermabiomeMD & Life Bio rays PDP devices.

Distributor Membership

This Membership provides access to Life BIo-rays PDP devices only. This is for sales representatives and businesses such as wellness and healthcare centers and spas or gyms.

After applying for membership with us, you will be contacted by phone and/or email where you will receive further detailed instructions for membership.

Important notice for customers:

We don’t sell items on our home page because each person's body and condition are different. Our program requires the input of a lifestyle medicine doctor to use our products. If you are interested, please leave an email address and we will send you information to connect you with a doctor, pharmacist or distributor for our products. Email: Thank you.


우선 신청서를 작성하시기전에 첫째 어떤 membership에 해당 되시는지 확인하시고, ㅁ박스에 체크해 주시면 됩니다.

의사로서 회원가입

CHRP 모든 프로그램과 제품, 개인 헬스 제품과 기계 신청합니다. (hospital, clinic, and/or Eastern medicine health care professionals)

약사 및 약국운영자로서 회원가입

개인 헬스 제품, DermabiomeMD & Life Bio rays PDP devices를 신청합니다.(Pharmacy)

건강관련 센터운영자 또는 개인 판매자로서 회원가입

개인 헬스 제품중 BIo-rays PDP Air Thermo, BIo-rays PDP System를 신청합니다. (wellness and healthcare centers and spas or gyms)

신청서를 작성하셔서 보내주시면, 신청하신 이메일과 전화로 연락 드리고, 앞으로 진행 도와 드립니다.

저희는 홈페이지에서 개인적인 건강정보와 컨디션이 고려하는 것이 첫번째이므로 프로그램과 프라닥 ,기계를 판매하지 않습니다. 이메일을 남겨 주시면, 저희 프로그램을 전문적으로 운영하시는 병원과 센터로 연결해 드리겠습니다. 늘 감사드립니다. E-Mail :

Application Form

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