A Doctor in You!

Clinical Health Recovery Program with Naturezymes

A Lifestyle solution that transforms healthcare
  • Lifestyle Modification
  • Prevention & Reversal of Chronic Diseases
  • Happier, Healthier, Energetic You!
  • Naturezymes Patented Fermented Compound Activation Enzymes system products
  • Snapshot Heath Tests (Accuniq BC 380, Max Pulse, Greenbiome)
  • Lifestyle Modification support & Exercise App

Three Step Fermented Enzymes: Active enzyme complex is consumed while a person is otherwise fasting (abstaining from food). The digestive system and metabolic enzymes are given a chance to be revitalized in a short period of time. This in turn, can improve auto-therapy and the body’s own self-cleansing ability (autophagy), maximizing homeostasis and allowing a quick health recovery.

Snapshot Health Tests:

Comparisons performed prior and post Naturezymes Health Recovery Program in 2 to 3 week interval during the initial phase of the program.
  • Body composition analysis (body visceral, subcutaneous fat, muscle, and water content).
  • Autonomic Nervous System test with Ewing’s maneuver for early detection of artery and nerve complications of metabolic syndrome and adult diseases particularly diabetes type II.
  • Arterial Health Test - Autonomic Nervous System test can also be tested as a separate component with Plethysmography (PTG) for medium and large artery atherosclerotic stiffening for arterial health test. In addition, autonomic nervous system test at rest is performed without Ewing’s maneuver for analysis of autonomic nervous system’s mental and physical stress recovery function capability.
Additional and not included:
  • Microbiome (Greenbiome) stool tests once prior and post for Gut Microbiota Screen and Health Score. The beneficial, harmful and neutral gut microbial flora analysis to assess the direction of shift in microbial spectrum in our body. This is essential to dynamically change our dietary habits by a scientifically proven precision method.
  • Blood test: Routine blood work including FBS, HbA1c, FTG, Lipid profile, C-reactive protein (CRP).

2D/M mode echocardiogram (LVH, LV mass, LV systolic and diastolic function), Epicardial and Pericardial, Coronary CT for calcium score Bone Densitometry

Lifestyle Modification support App:

Provides interactive lifestyle modification support to successfully and decisively facilitate healthy behavioral changes. The App also records daily health vital signs, metabolic health parameters such as blood pressure, blood glucose, weight and exercises performed. It also tracks muscle mass, specific muscles being used, number of specific exercise repetitions achieved and its trending pattern.

Naturezymes Clinical Health Recovery Program Steps:

  • Naturezymes Fermented Compound Activation System for 10 days with prior 5 days of preparatory phase as initial regimen followed by another 10 days regimen as recommended. These two phases are to promote and maximally facilitate initial cellular autophagy.
  • Actions lead to habits which lead to lifestyle modification. In our experience, with one or more underlying chronic diseases, such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia or diabetes, the medications can be tapered or discontinued. The process can take approximately 1 month to 6 months. During these phases, a highly specialized personal guidance, education and support are implemented by the physician and staff to promote lifestyle modification.
  • Regiments can be customized thereafter, twice or once daily, three times, twice or once weekly etc. depending on the individual patient’s requirements. Life-long maintenance parallel program of minimum once weekly regimen is strongly suggested for sustained lifestyle modification and promotion of best health. The lifestyle coaching and support should be continued whenever Naturezymes parallel program is provided. When underweight or do not want to lose significant body weight, one should consider a modified parallel phase program

Naturezymes days of initial phases: Preparatory phase 5 days ( ), Initial phase 10 days ( ), second phase 10 days ( ). This initial phase is to maximally facilitate initial cellular Autophagy.

Naturezymes maintenance parallel phase: twice/day ( ), once/day ( ), several days/week ( ), one day/week ( ), other ( )

Naturezymes Health Recovery Program should be monitored, supervised and managed by authorized physicians or designated staff members. The reasons among other things, it is because of the necessity of adjusting medications due to the program's favorable beneficial effects and need for continued professional support.

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1 CHRP 위장관리 프로그램 방법 팜플렛 2022-01-25 452 View
2 Greenbiome 2021-01-08 956 View