Healthy Eating Habits to Keep Blood Sugar Levels from Escalating

Healthy Eating Habits to Keep Blood Sugar Levels from Escalating


The cause of aging is "glycosylation"?!

The blood sugar level states the amount of glucose in your blood. When ingested carbohydrates are digested, they become glucose. Glucose is a source of energy for our vital activities, such as keeping our brain, body temperature, and body moving.

The lack of glucose in the blood leads to a lack of energy. Therefore, in order to prevent this, our body regulates the blood to keep glucose at about 70-100mg/dl even on an empty stomach.

After eating, blood sugar levels rise temporarily, but the hormone called insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas, allows the blood sugar levels to return to its normal levels within 1-2 hours after eating.

However, if one continues to binge eat and drink, the effects and secretion of insulin will decrease. The continuance of this habit will lead to a "hyperglycemic" condition and ultimately diabetes.

This "hyperglycemic" condition also damages blood vessels.

Are you familiar with the word, "glycosylation"?

The substance called AGE (end-glucose product), occurs when glucose reacts with proteins, causing aging. You may be familiar with this because it has been broadcasted on TV programs.

The TV programs only explained AGE, which is caused by burning protein when food is heated, but it is not food that contains a lot of this AGE that hurts the blood vessels.

Rather, the hyperglycemic state of blood vessels is what causes blood vessels to age.

What constitutes blood vessels is proteins (amino acids). Blood vessel endothelial cells are impaired as glucose is attached to the walls of blood vessel proteins and becomes glycosylated. In addition, LDL cholesterol is oxidized and easily denatured, which leads to the progression of arteriosclerosis.

It is more problematic to have a hyperglycemic condition and glycate their cells, than AGE made from sugar or protein in meals.

There are several studies that show how atherosclerosis progresses more easily in individuals with diabetes, therefore high blood sugar puts pressure and strain on your blood vessels.


So what can you do to prevent blood glucose spikes?

Have you ever been conscious of the "order of eating" when eating?

By merely changing the order of eating, you can increase the "vascular power" alone. The method is simple-all you have to do is eat enzymes, then fruits, vegetables, and finally rice. You may be surprised to see that it is as simple as that. This is known as a dietary therapy that is also effective in treating diabetes.


Eating the same foods can slow blood sugar levels, so you can avoid the burden on your blood vessels. If you are still hungry after eating vegetables, you can also eat a little bit of rice at the end of the order. Since this order of eating leads to a favorable effect, please consciously practice this order: enzyme-fruit-vegetable first.