A Rearch of Positive Analysis Dietary Multiple Fermented Culture Substitute Diet on Fatty Acid?Blood

A Rearch of Positive Analysis Dietary Multiple Fermented Culture Substitute Diet on Fatty Acid?Blood sugar and Ketone Body in Premenopausal Women


The main drivers of chronic overnutrition are the excess of calorie intake and inactivity, plus an increasing global aging population. The first way to cure chronic diseases is to get rid of excess calories. Recently, various diets such as intermittent fasting, low-carb, and ketogenic diets have become popular, and the main goal is to reduce excess calorie intake.
However, the reality is that these methods are difficult to maintain for a long time due to a feeling of hunger or yo-yo phenomenon. Therefore, in this study, calorie restriction was performed by consuming only water and multiple fermentation culture (280 kcal/day), which can be performed without feeling hungry for 10 days. Among the 77 participants, 13 were excluded and 64 were included in the final statistical analysis. Sixty-four premenopausal women consumed only the complex fermented culture and water for 10 days. Changes in blood glucose, free fatty acids, and ketone bodies, which are major metabolic energy, were measured before and after consuming the complex fermented culture substitute.
Based on Cahill's 5th stage of metabolism during caloric restriction, 10 days, up to 4th stage, was set as the repla cement period for the multiple fermentation culture. Level 5 was considered unrealistic to practice in daily life as 24 days. In this study, the main energy sources of blood glucose, fatty acid, were affected by calorie restriction while only consuming complex fermented culture and water for 10 days.
The results of confirming the effect of hormones on free fatty acids through path analysis were as follows. The effect of cortisol on free fatty acids was not statistically significant before the intake of the complex fermented culture substitute diet, but after the intake of the complex fermented culture substitute diet, the nonstand- ardized path coefficient was 0.566±0.130, and the standardized path coefficient was 15.154±3.183. It had a statistically significant positive (+) effect.
On the other hand, growth hormone was not statistically significant before the complex fermented culture substitution diet, but after the complex fermented culture substitution diet, the nonstan-dardized path coefficient was –56.644±12.900, and the standardized path coefficient was –15.290±3.179 (p<0.001). It had a statistically significant negative (-) eff ect. These results suggest that cortisol does not significantly affect lipid metabolism before caloric restriction, but lipid metabolism becomes active as cortisol increases during caloric restriction.
In a calorie-restricted diet for 10 days, when the cortisol level increases by 1, the free fatty acid increases by 0.566±0.130. The level of free fatty acids is mainly controlled by cortisol and growth hormone after the multiple fermentation culture substitution diet. Free fatty acids are transferred to the liver and converted into ketones to be used as energy sources for the brain and heart. For female hormones, the non-standardized pathway coefficient was 0.167±0.058(p=0.004) on the ketone body level before the intake of the complex fermented culture substitute food, but 2.993±1.463 (p=0.041) after the intake of the complex ferme nted culture substitute diet. It increased by 17.9times.
According to this study, the blood glucose level was 87.72mg/dl before ingestion of the complex fermented culture substitute food, but decreased by 18.9% to 71.15mg/dl after the complex fermented culture substitute food intake. The free fatty acid was 557.89(μEq/L) before ingestion of the complex fermented culture substitute food, but increased by 2.46 times to 1374.89(μEq/L) after ingestion of the complex fermented culture substitute food. LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol did not show a significant difference before and after intake of the complex fermented culture substitute food. However, the triglyceride level was 101.81(mg/dL) before the intake of the complex fermented culture substitute food, but decreased by 18% to 84.17(mg/dL) after the intake of the complex fermented culture substitute food.
The ketone body produced by conversion of fatty acids in the liver was 162.70(μmol/L) before the complex fermented culture substitute diet, but increased 28.4 times to 4623.02(μmol/L) after the complex fermented culture substitute diet. Changes in hormone levels before and after consumption of the complex fermented culture substitute were as follows. Cortisol increased by 38.6% from 8.11(μg/dL) to 11.24(μg/dL) before consumption of the complex fermented culture substitute diet (p<0.001).
There was no statistically significant difference between female hormone and growth hormone before and after consumption of the complex fermented culture substitute. Progesterone decreased by approximately 15% from 7.12(ng/mL) before ingestion of the complex fermented culture to 6.03(ng/mL) after ingestion of the complex fermented culture. T4, a thyroid hormone, decreased by 40% from 1.14(μg/dL) before the intake of the complex fermented culture to 0.68(μg/dL) after the intake of the alternative food. The action of hormones affecting the levels of these nutrients was confi rmed. Fatty acid metabolism was affected by proges terone, cortisol, and growth hormone, and ketone bodies were affected by female hormones and thyroid hormones. This study has a limitation in that premenopausal women and support subjects were limited to women only. A comparative study involving women and men after menopause may be possible in the future.
This study did not include the group that consumed only pure mineral water and the control group that consumed only fiber. It is thought that comparative studies including various control groups that can be tested in the future are possible.


A Rearch of Positive Analysis Dietary Multiple Fermented Culture Substitute Diet on Fatty Acid?Blood sugar and Ketone Body in Premenopausal Women