Clinical Health Recovery Program(CHRP) experience, a story of life-changing program

Clinical Health Recovery Program(CHRP) experience, a story of a life-changing program

Chapter 1 Cancer, and surviving from life and death situation

In summary, an illness isn’t our enemy. An illness occurs when our body doesn’t receive the right amount of blood, blocked by grease, stress, etc. Without symptoms and illness, we do not have ways to identify, let alone to start a treatment. An illness is a cry for help from our own body.
“Look after yourself!”
If we ignore these messages we'll end up in our final destination, death.

An unwanted guest from low immunity, Cancer

Major illness progresses in a sequence, it starts with minor symptoms and develops into fatal symptoms. First signs are edema associated with fatigue. Sudden increase in body weight, tiredness despite sleeping is also one of the symptoms of early progression of illness. These are the first signals that our body warns us about. These are quite common among modern people who can relate to them from day to day activities.

At this phase, removal of stress and selective eating changes can normalize the situation. However if these signs are ignored and left unchecked, there is a risk of diabetes and autoimmune disease.

The most frightening disease/illness known to humans is cancer. Cancer comes when the body is experiencing low immunity. Before we talk further regarding the current subject, we must acknowledge misconceptions like ‘body purification can cure cancer’ Cancer is a state that our body is doing anything in order to survive when our entire body is starting to crumble. Normally, a sickened body can not survive, so our body cells diversify by mutating cells in order for a slightest chance of survival. By creating irregular cells, the body is seeking a survival strategy. These are the cancer cells. It is a similar concept for heavily polluted water sources to bear abominations that are not seen from clean water.

Having cancer means our body is getting close to an irreversible state of repair. Dirty clothes can be easily washed, while teared clothes are difficult to patch up. Similar concepts can be applied to cancer. This is one of the reasons why cancer is difficult to treat. Cancer survivors are those who made their teared clothes into new clothes. It is almost a miracle for them. If we can look after our body before our body crosses the line, we will not need painful and agonizing cancer treatments.

Humans cannot simply judge over cancer easily. Thus I will not claim statements such as “Eat this and it can cure cancer!”
I have heard many stories regarding people avoiding cancer through lifestyle changes. I am a little cautious regarding this subject, as many cancer patients are hoping for a recovery during their treatment. I would also like to say not just for cancer patients, but to everyone who benefited from lifestyle change recommendations.