Naturezymes CHRP

Electrolyte Balance #1

Pour 1 packet in 500ml(17oz) of warm water. Drink it often with small amount each time.

About this product
It helps to reduce edema, discharge waste from the body, purify the blood, have the diuretic effect, eliminate the by-product of metabolism.
It contains her mixture which includes brown rice, Mate, Cassiae semen, Lycii Fructus, Crateaegi Fructus, Eucommiae Cortex, and other traditional herbaceous plants.

1일 필요한 수분 섭취량을 수시로 조금씩 자주 드십시요.
따뜻한 물 500ml정도에 1포를 드시면 좋습니다.

[제품에 대하여]
부종완화,노폐물 배출,혈액정화,이뇨작용,대사 부산물 제게 도움을 줄 수도 있음.

허브혼합물 (현미, 마테, 결명자, 산사자, 구기자, 하수오, 두충, 당귀)

温开水 500 ml 泡1包茶。

缓解浮肿, 排出体内垃圾, 净化血液,利尿, 清除代谢副产物。


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Human consumption only.